Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Finishing Review of Bud the Teacher's Blog

About "Bud the Teacher":

"Bud the Teacher" is really named Bud Hunt. Hunt teaches high school language arts an journalism at Olde Columbine School in Longmont, Colorado. He consults with the Colorado State University Writing Project, an affiliate of the National Writing Project. (Being a previous high school English teacher with a undergraduate degree in language arts, I identified with Bud Hunt.) Hunt is also co-editor of the New Voices column of English Journal, a National Council of Teachers of English.
With this information, I would definitely consider him a worthy colleague and there-fore I would take interest in his blogspot and blog comments. He includes several of his colleagues comments on his blogspot too. They don't all agree with his perspectives, nor do they all come from one school.

This blog serves as a resource to teachers because of the links to other important topics in education. Also this blog,is a discussion place for educators on a variety of topics, including blogging in their classrooms. This blog gives links, ideas, discussions, and more to teachers.

This blogspot does not directly serve students. Again, it was created for their teachers. However, by serving the teachers, this blog does train teachers which gives the students more knowledgable teachers. In turn, the teachers are more creative with technological processes which, I'm sure, makes class more interesting for the high school students.


Jana said...

You seem to have really enjoyed the blogs you read. I am glad you are getting a lot out of them, and making useful connections. After reading your post, I think I may go back and look again at Bud the Teacher's blog.

pkmccorkle said...

Hi, Jana,
How nice of you to leave a comment. And so positive of one, too! I'd like to get to know you better because you seem like such a thoughtful person.
